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Shri Naredra Bhai Modi Jee
The Honourable Prime Minister Of India
Actually there's huge need among women with uterine health problems like born without uterus, with malformed uterus, removed for medical reasons, cardiac /Renal problems, unexplained recurrent miscarriages or multiple IVF failures etc, for genuinely n there are equal number of fit women voluntarily ready to help, leave apart so many service providers being ready to help....
There being no single complaint from any Commissioning Couple nor any Surrogate nor any there was any mishap concerning health of any surrogate or baby born etc, there is no need to stop it or put a hold on it and as the Bill 2016 if in the offing in next session of parliament and all of us the ART Centres are eagerly waiting for it !!!
It's all media creating a commotion, for their popularity recently in our Hyderabad ...!!!
It is humbly submitted to the government and decision makers in health department by all stake holders like genuinely need women with 'uterine health issues' who can't bear the child but have scope of having own 'baby' using their Sperm n Oocyte (sometimes a donor gamete in necessity of course which again is legal n done with consent) taking help of a voluntarily agreeing co-women (may be with a compensation in lieu of n for loss of 10 month working days, as mutually agreed) to help carrying her baby since she can't carry for medical reasons, and not for any "fancy reasons" as mistaken by media n as officials are mislead by crazy media, to consider to allow the to be in. vogue as, this has been in place for last 15 years and so many otherwise helpless women with no uterus by birth, uterus lost for cancer or medical reasons, uterus malformed, cardiac or renal problems, hypertension or diabetes, recurrent miscarriages or multiple IVF failures, have been blessed with their own baby and living life head high, as in our culture a women who couldn't give birth face a lot of social stigma....
There have been no particular complaint from any stake holders like 'Gestational carriers (surrogates)', commissioning couples or service providers interalia nor any such litigation cases pending between them in any court of law...a little bit of such ended up totally with a right decision of the government banning service to foreigners, sometime back itself.
Of course it's a prerogative for the Government to take any decision but considering the "impracticability" of a close relative only to be appointed as surrogate, the existing system may be kept in vogue, just considering the helpless innocent women's (not only affluent as often commented but middle classes too) woes who otherwise can't see their own genetic baby born to keep her head high and enjoy her life in In-Laws’ home...
We, all the stake holders, and genuinely needy women folk of the country, request the Honourable Prime Minister, the leader of the masses, The visionary of emerging India, The guiding force for the youth in the country, A Bhaiya for the women folk of India to give a deep positive thought by reconsidering the in our country which is not a social evil but a necessity for genuinely needy woman, and keep it in vogue as a “Compensated ” and the woman folk of India would worship Shree Modi jee as a "Saviour" by saving the last hope for Infertile Woman with uteri8ne issues.
The health department lead by all senior and bold officials may too look into the institution of which is a part of ART in our country, with all deep concern and right analysis. The recent survey of Saikiran hospitals in Hyderabad, as stated by the management, is a 'financial dispute' among some people associated with them in this project as partners...which lead to this big chaos, without any actual complaint from any stake holder like "Commissioning Couples" or "Gestational Carriers(Surrogates)" or service providers inter alia....
Is not just 'bread n butter' for Fertility Centres, but a humane service to the helpless infertile women with just uterine health issues and bad luck of miscarriages, cardiac problems, failures etc.,
Calling it commercial activity, "Dandhaa", "Racket", "business" etc is uncalled for on part of media, which worldwide always see everything negatively without public concerns n issues....
In our Centre, like some other main service providers across India, have seen hundreds of young women with husband consent, voluntarily coming forward, not only for little 'compensation' but with a 'Big Heart' to help the helpless co-women to be blessed with birth of her 'genetic baby' to live in with due respect in society and it's a world wide phenomenon particularly in liberalist countries and societies like ours...
We pray the media and officials and organisations to see this as a small field where a humanely arrangement is made as a part of Infertility Treatment services but not for any 'unlawful gain' by hospitals as often commented by media ....we have seen all surrogates worked in last a decade, are back home and leading a normal life with their children and families and the hundreds of babies born through this yeoman medical service system of Assisted Reproductive Systems in our country, are living safely with their genetic has to appreciate the things being this systematic even without a law in place guiding them ....medical service people always look at the welfare of the people but not only money as alleged, at least in India and we should be proud of it..
All medical fraternity of the country request the Government not to be prejudiced on their services but regulate it wherever there is a need for, with a positive analysis and finally take a bold step "regulating" it but not stalling it...
M. Divakar Reddy,
Managing Director
Dr. Padmaja Fertility Centre,
Ph: +91 9848343244
P.N. Janardhan
Member, Ethics Committee
Indian Society for Third Party
Reproduction (INSTAR)
Hyderabad and New Delhi
Ph: +91 9346966231